Welcome to
City Life Church

Join us Sundays at 8:45 & 10:30 AM

Our Mission

To help people Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.
This is God’s desire for you, and He’s working right now to accomplish this in your life! You are alive for a purpose, and it is our delight to join God’s mission in seeing this become a reality in you!

Most Recent Service

Global Missions Update

God is doing so many tremendous things through our united effort to impact other nations with the message of Jesus. We would like to share some recent updates around what God is doing. Please take a few minutes to watch a short video sharing news from John & Til Maarhuis' recent trip to Nepal, as well as how we are making a difference in El Salvador and the work Mike Poulin is involved with there.
God is doing great things and we can celebrate together!

Time With God

Get equipped with tools and exercises that will strengthen your own spiritual journey in hearing and recognizing the voice of God, which starts with learning to take Time with God.

Current Events

What to Expect

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