Global Missions

Since its inception in the early 1960's...
Jesus' global mission has been integral to City Life Church.

Over the years several missionaries have been sent out, supported, and celebrated as they have accomplished great things for the Kingdom of God.

The overarching vision of CLC Global Missions is reaching nations through healthy local churches. We believe that Jesus' strategy for the world is the church — establishing a local expression of His church in every community. The best way to help the poor, care for children, and change a community is through a healthy, life-giving community of Jesus followers — a local church.

Uganda Testimonies & Slideshow

We encourage you to hear what the team members have to say about our recent missions trip to Uganda!



We are partnering with Life Church in Kampala, Uganda, where pastors Richard and Dora serve as Lead Pastors. Life Church has a great vision to impact their nation.

Kapeeka is an area outside of Kampala where pastors William and Rita have started a church with a desire to reach people with the gospel. God's Kingdom is growing in Uganda and we believe that God is leading us to come alongside the vision to build a church in Kapeeka. As a church, we can give and pray that God will accomplish his purposes in Uganda!

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way. 2 Corinthians 9:10–11 (ESV)
Our goal is to raise $125,000 and you can give online using the button below, or by any of the other following ways:
Memo: “Kapeeka Build”
Bill Payment
Payee: City Life Church
Visit the info desk in the lobby
Memo: “Kapeeka Build”

How to Get Involved

Our strategy, therefore, is to partner with churches and movements, to use our resources to help plant and grow healthy churches and leaders that reproduce. 


Jesus encouraged us to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send labourers into the harvest fields. The ongoing prayer, “Thy Kingdom come,” is the backbone of our worldwide effort. To help you effectively pray, we invite you to personally connect with one or more of the places and people that are on the frontline. 


Someone said the word "Go" in Jesus' Great Commission is the most expensive word in the Bible! Here is how you directly participate in reaching our world at City Life Church:

Your Tithes: We have committed 5% of all our tithes towards Global Outreach.
Giving to Missions: We encourage you to consider making a regular donation to our Global Missions fund.
Designating a Target: You can choose to designate your finances to a specific field.


Watch for an opportunity to go on a short-term mission. It will change your life and bless you in unexpected ways.


South America

Rick and Deanna Bergen moved to Brazil in 1993 to learn to plant churches in the jungle. Their goal soon increased to plant 1,000 churches in the Amazon Basin They are motivated by the passionate belief that the good news of God’s amazing love is what transforms people and communities and that the best way of reaching people with this life-giving message is by fostering vibrant Jesus communities (churches) in every place. Rick and Deanna write, “Our team has now planted about 20 churches and 80 church plants, primarily along one tributary of the Amazon called the Xingu River. We started by going to remote communities to teach people about God. Over time we saw how this was creating churches that depended on outside leadership. We are now learning to help ordinary people without seminary degrees to learn to spiritually self-feed. Imagine remote churches planting churches that plant churches.” This new strategy, based on a Discovery Group model, helps people develop a sustainable faith, become disciples that make disciples, and church communities are forming in these remote areas. “While we live and work primarily in the Amazon Basin in Brazil, we are developing ways for Brazilian missionaries to reach out to other Portuguese-speaking countries like Angola, Mozambique, and Portugal. As you partner with us through prayer and giving you are training leaders, planting churches, and transforming communities in Brazil and beyond. We write a weekly email with stories and photos.

To learn more please email us. Warmly, Rick and Deanna Bergen.
Deanna Bergen
Rick Bergen



City Life Church felt a divine call to Nepal in 2013 as our missionaries, John and Til Maarhuis, and then Pastor Justin Manzey, investigated the nation. The burning vision is to reach the approximately 50,000 population centers in Nepal that do not have any kind of church community. We have connected with Pastors Bishwa and Gopi of Life Giving Church in Katmandu. Through this partnership and network of churches, we are supporting the training of leaders who will accomplish this mission.



We are strategically partnered with the Philippine Bethel Churches whose vision is to plant churches throughout the Northern provinces. Many of these mountain peoples are unreached with the Gospel. Our efforts are focused on:
  • Sending ministry teams to Pastors Conferences
  • Regular financial help to operate Bethel Bible Institute
  • Training church planters and strategically helping new church plants
  • Operating New Hope Children’s Home

Clean Water International


Darrell & Shannon have been a part of City Life Church for over thirty years. In 2005 they felt God calling them to the Philippines, where they serve as missionaries. While serving mostly in the Philippines’ rural areas, they discovered people desperately needed something beyond their spiritual needs, and that was the basic human need for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Darrell said, “if we can relieve their suffering from waterborne disease, which affects their health, schooling, and livelihoods, maybe it would open their hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ?” In 2010 Darrell & Shannon founded Clean Water International, a registered charity in Canada, the USA and the Philippines. Darrell and Shannon have seen firsthand that reaching out to people’s physical needs displays the Love of Christ in action and does open their hearts to the Gospel. Darrell and Shannon are trusting God to expand Clean Water International into other countries with many global invitations. Their heart is to continue touching people’s lives with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. City Life Church family is proud to support Darrell & Shannon in this continued mission.

Chuck & Bobbie Hamm

Various World Locations

Chuck and Bobbie have been missionaries in various parts of the world for well over 25 years, primarily in the Philippines and Vietnam. For the past several years they have been stationed right here in Chilliwack at City Life Church. Their primary function is training and mentoring missionaries and church leaders who are working in various nations. Chuck and Bobbie travel extensively to host and teach at seminars, conferences, and short-term leadership schools, as well as doing regular online coaching.