Family Legacy Project

The Family Legacy Project has been born out of the heart to equip parents with tools to intentionally disciple their children. Parents are the primary spiritual leaders in their home. However, as much as we want to live out that role in the lives of our children, we often have a difficult time knowing what to do and how to do it! 
We believe that God wants to work in the home and through parents to build strong families that love and serve God. If God has called you, as parents, to teach your children, He will give you the ability to do it! 
The Family Legacy Project brings families together to intentionally grow and bring God into the centre of their home.

To hear more about the Family Legacy Project, watch this short video below:
If you are interested in knowing more or taking part, please press the button below to fill out a form:

What are families asked to do?

  • Commit to spend approximately 30 minutes each week together, reading and responding to the week’s lesson.
  •  Daily “huddles” where the family talks about the week’s topic, reads a scripture, and prays together. This could be done whenever it works for the family -  in the morning before school, or at dinner, or before bed. This is just a 5 minute “connect” point.
  • Invite the Holy Spirit to work! 

Who is it for?

Because it involves reading, the optimal ages would be from Grades 3 – 12.

Other Details

Materials, training, and ongoing support for the parents throughout the semester are provided.
If you are interested in knowing more or taking part, please press the button below to fill out a form: