Join a Small Group

Small Groups are a big deal at City Life Church. It’s easy to come to church on Sunday morning, yet live completely anonymously. It’s our hope that each person that comes to our church would live in community, and Small Groups are how we make that happen. People are a huge part of our faith journey, and we know there are some great people here to connect with. There’s a group for everyone, and we hope you’ll join one today!

Join a Small Group

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🟢 Can't find a group?

We know that groups can fill up fast, or maybe the day of the week doesn't quite work for you! Let us know. We want to do the best we can to help you get in a group. Fill out this form and we'll get back to you soon!


🟢 Craig & Dee Holding

Wednesdays | 1:00PM | Chilliwack
We're a group that gets together every Wednesday at 1 PM. We worship together, pray, encourage each other, and have great teaching and discussion. We'd love to have you join us!

🟢 Linda Lueck

Thursdays | 7:00PM | City Life Church
Do you love words? If you do, this is the group for you. On the second, fourth, and fifth (if there is one) Thursday of every month, we come together to play Scrabble at the church at 7:00 PM. Players of an intermediate skill level will be comfortable here. On the first and third Thursday, we meet at Bozzini's at 11 for some lunch, followed by some competitive games of Scrabble afterwards. We'd love to have you join us!

🟢 Michael & Elizabeth Lim

Fridays | 6:30PM | Chilliwack
We'd love to teach you how to play ukulele through simple Word based worship songs. This is for any interested people, young or old. Our only rule is that you enjoy it!

🟢 Alpha

Tuesdays | 6:30PM | City Life Church
When we meet, we'll eat dinner together, watch a short video, and then we'll spend time in conversation about topics like life, faith, and purpose.

🟢 James & Elaine Layzelle

Married Couples/Adults
Wednesdays | 7:00PM | Garrison
We meet at our home and generally have Bible study-based discussion, often taking a book of the Bible.

🟢 Orphee & Orly Tamba

Thursdays | 6:45PM | Chilliwack
We want to build multicultural friendships, have fun, and grow in our walk with Jesus together! Expect lots of laughter, games, stories, and chances to learn about different cultures and share personal experiences. Our goal is to make everyone feel welcome.

🟢 Jean-Paul & Stefanie Booyens

Sundays | 7:00PM | Garrison
A fellowship group, sharing life together, praying together, and playing some board games!


🟢 Family Legacy Project

The Family Legacy Project has been born out of the heart to equip parents with tools to intentionally disciple their children. Parents are the primary spiritual leaders in their home. However, as much as we want to live out that role in the lives of our children, we often have a difficult time knowing what to do and how to do it!

🟢 Dickson & Favour Onuche

Alternate Saturdays | TBD | Chilliwack
Our gatherings will be interactive, allowing us to study the Bible, pray together, have meaningful discussions, and build strong connections. We’d also love to incorporate fun activities and occasional trips to strengthen our bonds and create lasting memories.


🟢 Geoff Raddatz

Tuesdays | 7:00PM | Chilliwack
We'll be going through a book together, discussing what it looks like to walk in authentic manhood. It's going to be a good time.

🟢 Lorne Lueck

Wednesdays | 10:00AM | Sardis
A men's group focusing on building relationships, studying God's Word, and prayer.

🟢 Andrew van Santen

Dads with young kids
Tuesdays | 7:30PM | Chilliwack
A time for dads to connect with other dads, to be encouraged and build strong, healthy relationships

🟢 Warren Jones & Leo van Santen

Fridays | 6:30AM | Chilliwack
This is a group for prospective entrepreneurs or current business owners. We gather for breakfast on Friday mornings to discuss business principles, encourage each other, and pray for one another.


🟢 Kristi Carruthers

Wednesdays | 7:00PM | Chilliwack
In this semester, we're going to be doing "Luke in the Land" by Kristi McLelland. We'd love to have you with us!

🟢 Fran Huebert

Tuesdays | 10:00AM or 7:00PM | Chilliwack
This is a group for beginner or experienced people who want to knit or crochet. Bring your existing projects. Start a new one. I'd love to have you join us.

🟢 Heidi Lueck

Wednesdays | 7:00PM | City Life Church
We are going to be an "Out of the Box" group! Each Wednesday we will meet in room A103 at 7:00PM (this is going to be very convenient if you are dropping kids off to youth). We will do a workout together, via workout videos and get a good sweat going. While we cool off, we will talk about our devotion life and what God is speaking to us. This is going to be a great way to keep each other accountable in our daily devotions. We will also have the opportunity to pray together. You won't need to bring a ton of equipment, just a mat and water bottle.

🟢 Elecia Kemp

Moms & Babies
Tuesdays | 10:00AM | Rosedale
We will meet to pray scripture over our children. “God’s word is living and powerful, and sharper than and two edged sword.” (Hen 4:12) God says His word, “shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isa 55:11)

Young Adults

🟢 Barrie & Natasha Thiessen

Young Adults
Mondays | 7:30PM | Eastern Hillside
This is a group for young adults. We get together, have some fun, and usually some discussion around various topics pertaining to life.

🟢 Nathaniel & Madeline Gidon

Young Adults
Alternate Sundays | 7:00PM | Varies
In our small group we will focus on creating community and chatting about our Time with God. We hope to get outside and to do some fun activities, but there will also be evenings we simply gather in our living room with yummy snacks and chat and pray for one another. We'd love for you to join us!

🟢 Jake & Kaitlyn Davis

Young Adults
Alternate Tuesdays | 7:00PM | Chilliwack
Young adult small group where we hangout, eat snacks, fun activities, pray and have conversations together! A place to build friendships and community with each other!


🟢 Dale & Debbie Wozny

Monthly Thursdays | 6:00PM | Greendale
We're a group for seniors, but we're young at heart. We meet on the third Tuesday of every month to share a meal together, study the Bible, and pray for one another.


🔴 Michael & Farrah Keough

Adults (30s-40s)
Thursdays | 7:00PM | Chilliwack
Our group is focused on making space for us to share our lives, ambitions, struggles, and victories with each other. We will do some brief lesson and/or an activity together. It will be a time of building awareness and empowering each other to do big things for God. Reach out if you have any questions or curiosities!

🔴 Armando & Cheryl Ferraro

Alternate Fridays | 7:00PM | Promontory
We look forward to gathering parents and children and building community together.

🔴 Simona Iliescu

Alternate Mondays | 7:30PM | Chilliwack
I have a passion to connect with women, and see us grow in our relationship with God and with one another. We're going to have a great time in this semester studying God's Word, and enjoying each other's company.

🔴 Laura van Santen

Mondays | 7:00PM | Chilliwack
My heart is to get together with other women in different settings to fellowship, have fun, pray, and share our heart and lives around the One who keeps us; Jesus! These will be flexible get togethers and activities. Our goal will be weekly meetings to treasure the One who stays with us through thick and thin, and to treasure each other. I hope to see you!

🔴 Jannette Loosdrecht

Varies | 5:30PM | Chilliwack
Do you love connecting with women, building relationships, and encouraging others? We will be doing just that with a group of Bernard Elementary's moms and grandmas. This is an opportunity to deepen our friendship/support with the Bernard Afternoon Adventures program's female caregivers. Refreshments, workshops, connectedness, and tons of fun. We'll meet three times: March 8, April 12, and May 31.

🔴 Kayla van Santen & Michelle Trudel

Moms & Daughters (ages 9-13)
Alternate Fridays | 7:00PM | Chilliwack
A time for us to grow together in our relationships with Jesus as well as each other. We will take time throughout the week to do devotionals together as Moms and Daughters and come together every second week to discuss as a group what God is speak to us. For the second part of the evenings we will do activities like crafts, nail painting, games and of course have yummy snacks.

🔴 Ladies Bible Study

We'll be alternating between Tuesday nights and Thursday mornings, discussing the Bible verses that we're reading through our Time With God. We'll be talking about how we're being challenged and encouraged as God speaks to us.

🔴 Gabriel & Tara Charriere

Married Couples/Adults
Alternate Tuesdays | 7:30PM | Fairfield
A place where people can meet together to encourage and support one another through Christ/Bible-centered discussion. We may also watch a relevant video series.

🔴 Steve & Jennine Czeck

Thursdays | 7:00PM | Sardis
We're a group for adults approaching retirement age. We spend time together eating good food, having good conversation, and encouraging one another.

🔴 Mons Dela Cruz

Monthly Saturdays | 12:00PM | Chilliwack
We are fun loving people who enjoy fellowship, singing, praying and supporting one another. Our desire is to  grow in our walk to know God and Jesus deeper together.

🔴 Van Santen / Dumont

Families new to CLC
Alternate Sundays | 12:30PM | Chilliwack
If you're new to CLC within the last year, we'd love the chance to host you as part of our small group.  We'll be meeting every other Sunday after the second service to share a meal together.  Just to make sure we are able to have meaningful discussion, we'll have to cap our group at four families!

🔴 Kevin & Melissa Geddert

Monthly Thursdays | 7:00PM | Ryder Lake
We’re a group for adults. We’ll meet every other week to build community, have fun, and a little bit of discussion.

Any Questions?

Feel free to get in contact with Barrie Thiessen - our Small Groups pastor - who is more than happy
to answer any questions you might have!